Product details
Prop is an infinitely reusable product used to support form-work shuttering. Its telescopic function allows speedy erection and dismantling without tools and it has no loose parts to be mislaid or lost. A threaded external tube in combination with an internal tube with intermediate holes gives the desirable extended size within the maximum and minimum extended range of the prop. Its a self- cleaning stub on the collar nut, when rotated. automatically cleans the threads of dirt, cement and other foreign substances that hamper quick and easy adjustment. Simple insertion of a rod in the holed boss on the collar nut facilitates turning of the collar nut in confined spaces. Compatible holes on base plates and head plates of 150 x 150 mm help double staging when required. Beam head version comprising of 300 x 100 mm head plate is also available for wider support. Stir-up Heads snugly fit into either plates without any additional fastening.